Delivery and Tracking

Delivery Options

During checkout, an estimated delivery date will be shown.

  • Expedited Shipping: 

    Please allow 2-3 business days from the time you receive a shipping confirmation email. When an order is placed on Friday-Sunday, the earliest it will ship is on Monday.

  • Standard Shipping: 

    Please allow 4-7 business days from the time you receive a shipping confirmation email. When an order is placed on Friday-Sunday, the earliest it will ship is on Monday.

         Remote addresses may require additional delivery time.

  • In-store pickup: 

    In store orders may be available for pick up 1-4 business days from when the order is placed.

If you require a faster pick up time, please contact us directly at or call, and we will do our best to accommodate you.

 Upon picking up your order, ensure you have the following:

  • Government issued photo identification
  • Confirmation email with order number

Delivery Packaging

For all orders that are delivered via private courier, we package your arrangement in our signature black retail box.

For all orders that are shipped via Canada Post, UPS, DHL, FedEx etc. we package your arrangement in our tightly secured white shipping box that was designed to withstand transit issues or damage that may arise, so you can trust your arrangement to be safe upon arrival
